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Innovation Styles Explained: How to Find and Leverage Your Strengths

Innovating and Bright Ideas

In last week’s post, innovation was introduced. We described it as a rhythm of breathing.

We described it as something that begins with inhaling and then leading to an exhale. 

Innovation is learning, designing, creating, modifying and sharing knowledge… This is the “raw material” of innovation.  Innovation then continues with exhaling which is generating, implementing and executing innovative solutions. 

Keep in mind, we all innovate. We create ideas and then execute them. Yet, each of us innovates differently. There are basically four major approaches to innovation. 

Innovation Styles

Styles of Innovation:

  1. Visioning: To envision the ideal future

  2. Exploring:  To discover the radically new and novel

  3. Experimenting: To combine and test different factors

  4. Modifying: To refine and optimize what has come before

To explore the four styles of innovation, it is important to look at three solid questions:

  1. What stimulates innovative thinking?

  2. How does the style support innovation? And

  3. How might the style hinder innovation?

Let’s Explore

Each style asks a different question to stimulate innovative thinking:

  1. Visioning: What ideas could give you an ideal, long-term solution?

  2. Modifying: What ideas could build on, simplify, or refine what you’ve done?

  3. Exploring: What ideas could be radically new and different?

  4. Experimenting: What could be combined to give you new ideas?

Look at the different innovation styles to see how each style supports innovation and how the style may hinder innovation.

How does the style support innovation?


  • By seeing the "big picture" and giving long-term direction

  • By supplying bold, far reaching, imaginative ideas


  • By building on what has already been accomplished

  • By focusing on relevant, short-term success


  • By questioning the accepted ways of seeing things

  • By seeking the new and novel, to see what's possible


  • By combining the ideas of many people in unique ways

  • By testing out ideas to take risks in stages

How might the style hinder innovation?


  • By resisting options that don't fit into the vision

  • By being unrealistic about the level of change involved


  • By being tied to the status-quo

  • By not questioning assumptions


  • By taking risks where you "leap before you look"

  • By frequently changing perspectives and opinions


  • By losing perspective on what really matters

  • By over-emphasizing testing and research vs. action

Let’s look at how each style advances challenges and establishes goals:





A clear idea and purpose to drive new creative energy

Optimizing and changing what has been done previously

Adventuring into a new area to see what it possible

Using different choices to create many possibilities

What values do each style bring out:





High ideals

Regular, common things for everyday

Words / actions to live by

Shared by many

Start with one style. Get good at it. Then, move on to another style. 

To learn more about the Innovation Styles, contact me at  I look forward to hearing from you and to exploring how innovation is a key element in today’s workplace. 

Barbara Ann Sharon

Chief Learning Officer - The Training Edge

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